Application for Practicum and Internship.
Rock Springs is a private organization, composed of a group of practitioners from a variety of disciplines who are experienced in providing psychotherapy and related services for the growth and development of individuals and families. Compassion Funds support children, families, and individuals who cannot afford the standard fees for services.
Offering an integrated and holistic orientation, we bring together an assortment of disciplines so that the most balanced and discerning practitioner may emerge. Our cooperative practice includes counseling, pastoral counseling, psychotherapy, career counseling, and family therapies. As a community of therapists committed to healing and wholeness, we are an open and welcoming community for all people.
What we expect
We hope and expect the time invested by the intern will benefit our clients as well as our organization along with the personal and professional growth of the intern. This opportunity is best undertaken by a student who has sufficient experience to understand the benefits and challenges of working in a semi-private practice in a customer-focused setting. If you have any questions about our expectations, please talk with us. We welcome open and honest dialogue.
The opportunity of an internship requires a significant investment of time and energy coupled with much dedication from both the individual and our organization. We expect the intern to be on-site 20-30 hours per week with a schedule that is agreeable to our organization.There are many aspects to learn during an internship, a learning process that will be life-long if the profession is to be practiced with success. We look for students who demonstrate a commitment to learning, both within academia and in a hands-on environment.
Bringing his or her gifts and experience to Rock Springs, we expect the intern to establish a high standard for exercising these gifts within our practice. Finally and perhaps most importantly, we expect the intern to be open to addressing new areas for growth and acquiring skills that will be required in the practice of their profession.Our learning system involves three areas.
We will work to blend your institution's requirements with our expectations. We expect that your experience with us will exceed your institution's requirements, and we look for interns who have the time and energy to commit to this program.
1) We want you to get to know us. We have found the best way to do that is to start by learning about the behind-the-scenes elements that play such a vital role in performing our work. This includes the administrative functions, such as proper handling of case files, concrete application of ethical business practices, coding, billing, and becoming familiar with technology support systems. During this initial phase, you will also work on marketing your practice with us. You will also learn how our center operates and where you may best explore your gifts and use your strengths.
2) Following the initial period of training, we will include you in therapy sessions, first as an observer, and then as a co-therapist. You will likely have a variety of opportunities to witness counselors practicing counseling, pastoral counseling, play therapy, art therapy and career counseling. You will also have an opportunity to recruit and co-facilitate a group. You will also learn scoring of assessments and additional professional and ethical considerations.
3) The last area, and most important to us, is your personal and professional growth. We expect that an intern will be capable of balancing the requirements of family, school, and internship. Of equal importance is self-care, organizational obligations, academic learning, and client care.
Many of our practitioners operate within a spiritual understanding and we appreciate this may take many different forms. We have or have had therapists from Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Celtic, Muslim, and humanist-existentialist traditions. We do not share our personal views with clients unless therapeutically indicated and initiated by the client. We do and will share among ourselves what we find useful within our tradition.
We require the following information for review. For most of it, you can send it via email as you collect it.
1) Current résumé or C.V.
2) Three Brief Statements:
a) your evolving philosophy of practice;
b) your reasons and interests in this profession.
c) your goals for an internship program.
3) Start date and days/hours of availability (i.e., a proposed schedule)
4) Have you completed any hours in another internship or practicum setting? Will you be seeking licensure in Georgia? Do you plan to sit for the NCE or a professional licensing exam? If so, what date?
II. BEFORE AN INTERNSHIP CAN BE OFFERED, we also need these items:
1) A copy of the internship requirements from your school (e.g., Internship Handbook, etc.)
2) A transcript (may be unofficial) from your current graduate program. Optionally, we may request your undergraduate transcript as well. We require a minimum 3.5 GPA.
3) Three short personal or professional references with at least one from a faculty member.
4) A clear understanding of your school's clinical supervision - this may be stated in your "handbook" or forms the school provides. We will require signed forms that clearly delineate your roles and responsibilities. We also require a statement that shows your liability insurance coverage(s).
Submit Inquiry
If you believe you MEET or EXCEED our requirements, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.