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Our Covenant


While our fully-licensed or credentialed practitioners operate and control individual practices with full autonomy, we also seek to support one another with a collegial and collaborative approach that promotes professional development and deepening awareness of our talents, gifts, vulnerabilities, and identity. Towards that end, we have created the following Covenant:



Rock Springs Practitioner’s Covenant

In our community, we recognize the significant investment of time and energy that’s required for effective collaboration with our clients and with one another therapy. We will commit ourselves to fostering a safe, supportive, and welcoming space guided by the following core values and principles:

  • Conscientiousness and Openness: In developing balanced lives and cultivating a flexible therapeutic approach, we affirm that we value the interrelatedness of Courage, Curiosity, and Compassion.

  • Respect & Appreciation: Acknowledging that cultural, spiritual, family, personal, and professional contexts inform our explorations and discussions, we strive to remain aware that each individual’s path is different and to offer each and every individual our unconditional positive regard. 

  • Continuous Learning: We understand and endorse our profession’s requirement for continuing education and we commit ourselves to the pursuit of ongoing learning for the enhancement of our professional skills and personal growth. We will seek to engage and respect the wisdom of our elders and ancestors as expressed through their stories, their writings, and their contributions to our various professional ethical codes.

  • Mutual Support: We share our own stories with our colleagues, and we take into consideration that our stories both limit and enhance our own perspectives. Because this process may create intense or difficult feelings, we affirm that we will do our best to work in a supportive and appreciative style.

  • Meeting together: We maintain an open-door policy so that we are available to our colleagues for consultation whenever we are not in session. In order to build and maintain the Community, we also reserve designated times to come together and we respect these times by beginning and ending on time. While we will compassionately excuse practitioners for unavoidable conflicts, we promise one another that we will not schedule appointments during designated Group time UNLESS it is extremely urgent that the client be seen for serious situations such as suicidal ideation.

  • Pledges and Commitments: We pledge our support and talents for developing our mission, delivering our services, and helping each practitioner grow a sustainable practice. We also pledge our help in cultivating the financial support of, and connection with, our local communities. We further pledge our confidentiality as an essential therapeutic foundation to our practice: we use first names only in consultation and only consult in a secure and confidential setting. Additionally, we trust that each member of the Community will respect and support the confidentiality of other members. We acknowledge that conflicts may arise within our community. These will be addressed with the intention of resolution, and we commit to addressing them respectfully and sensitively. We agree to use our structured process for resolving conflicts (see Rock Springs Conflict Resolution)


We hold forth this Covenant as a living document with its principles, values, and guidelines open for discussion and revision by the Community whenever needed and approved by group consensus.


This document is reviewed at least annually and we welcome its enhancement. Once the group adopts the revised document, it will serve for the following year or until the group revises it.




Originally proposed when we opened our doors in 2014

Current revision 5.3 proposed 2024/6/4, approved & re-adopted _________

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