It's a New Year! Are you ready to move forward?
A New Year arrives and for many of us, this signifies a time of new hope, new possibilities, or new commitments. But it is also a time that brings reflection.
I remember the late conductor and humanitarian Robert Shaw's very meaningful contemplation prior to conducting Beethoven's Ninth: "For many of you, this will be the first time you have heard this wonderful piece performed live. And for some of us, it will be the last."
His gentle sensitivity invites me to pause and reflect: am I prepared to take the next step in my life's journey? Am I remaining present and aware of the here and now? Am I listening for Inspiration's quiet impulse?
As we prepare for the re-location of our practice here at Rock Springs, we strive to remain present to the "here and now," even as we gather ourselves for the move ahead. We invest our time and energy in the quest of becoming more attuned to new possibilities of in new space. And as we prepare, we strongly commit ourselves to being present and available for you.
Wherever you find yourself in your journey, we invite you to walk with us. Will this year be the first year you have made a particular resolution? Will it be lasting? Change comes slowly, but time moves quickly. Let this year be the year of deepening your understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your community.
Together, we can explore new commitments and new possibilities. Together, we can encourage new hope, progress, and solutions.
-David Harris